Welcome to Ascent Local Tax Agent Professional, Confidential & Ethical.

Accounting and bookkeekping

We offer an efficient accounting service at your desired frequency (e.g. monthly, quarterly and annually).
We can assist you with budgets, cash flow, provision of financial information to support loan applications and assist with your computer applications.

With the business development in today, we can advise the most appropriate bookkeeping system to our clients. We also recommend the XERO to our client. You can find more information from our website in link page.


With the ability to provide professional taxation services for individuals, partnerships, trusts, companies and superannuation funds, with the update changing legislation and taxation environment, our taxation specialist help you to minimise the risk and optimist your business profitability when you making a business decision. We focus on the taxation obligations and business advice to help your business grow steadily and healthy. We help the following tax compliance work to our clients:
  • Income tax
  • Goods & Services Tax (G.S.T)
  • Capital Gains Tax (C.G.T)
  • Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)
  • Land tax
  • Stamp duty
  • Payroll tax

New Entities Application and Other Non -Routine Matters

Assisting to establishing new companies, trusts, partnerships or sole traders. And also TFN, ABN application. Assisting with matters related to Centrelink, Child Support, Childcare Rebate, business property investment purchase, mortgage.

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